About 1.75 million species of creatures live on this earth in various places while having relationships with each other.
Only a few of the creatures we see are.
They apper in the sunlight, hide in the shadows, and their breathing is drowned out even by the sound of the wind.
What is the mystery of being homogenized into personal matters by visualizing many of the strange events happening on the earth?
What does the chained nature of dynamic relationships which occurs as a part of the natural world's predator-prey relationship?
It is the nature that there is no way and reason to know.
In a past universal evolution, our new culture is gradually replaced, whether conscious or not.
In this way, the winner of the Othello game will be revealed at once.
At that time, everyone will only be one of the winners.
Then, If so, let us embody the process.
It is interesting to try to secure such a trajectory by yourself.
We are convinced that the laughter of people and the voices and existence of birds, wind, sea, and the earth are surrounded by the energy of light, as we look into the invisible world with our whole body.
And beyond this trajectory, the future must always develop one after another.
RINGO Inc supports your challenge for your future.
Everything changes depending on how we face by ourselves.
We aim for a society where people can connect with each other.
Flat and non-isolated society
And a society that keeps connecting with people
Our corporate identity of apples expresses "The infinite power of Nature and Creativity".
And the nature, which is the basis of our lives, needs these three components such as Light, Water and Ground.
We want to be an entity that embodies the cultural evolution of society in a variety of relationships being aware of the power of nature, with a recursive activity of life energy.
Light creates a new energy source through photosynthesis. It becomes the energy to live for all living things including us, human beings.
Water is necessary for the life support of all living things. It is the basis of all living things, including us human beings.
Ground and natural land form our ecosystem. It defines the way of life for all living things, and especially the culture such as our social norms.

On the other hand, As a promoter for the establishment of General incorporated association Ecology Cafe, he has long been involved as a volunteer in creating environmental learning programs and protecting endangered species events for children.
Utilizing various experiences and networks so far, he is trying to create a "new culture" brought about by the evolution of modern technology.
<Current Title>
Policy Advisor in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Councilor in Minami Town Kaifu District Tokushima Prefecture
ICT Strategy Advisor in Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture

Her Research focus on the Urban and Community Planning.
She has been studying the development of Local Japanese community in the Moiriiri district of Honolulu, Hawaii, and has been participating in activities of the Buddhist Women's Association closely related to the Nikkei community since she was a graduate student.
In her master's thesis, she studied the organizational formation and cultural inheritance of the Japanese local community in Hawaii.
She aim to realize a glocal Multi-Cultural and Communication Service mainly in charge of program planning, educational content, and curriculum design for global next-generation.
Our Way
We can have an experience in the future society that has open spaces that transcend national borders, ages, and obstacles will coexist with nature.
RINGO Inc is a company to create a new glocal society that connects with the Japanese local community.
We will work and generate "co-create the future" with regional, educational, and cultural exchanges as the three pillars with a variety of companies and individuals.
Connect to the People
Our daily life is made up of connections between people.
Connect to the Community
Our daily life is a chain of networking that connects with glocal.
Connect to the Ecosystem
Our daily life is in a coexisting society created by connecting people, society, and nature.
Problem-Solving Consulting Service
We provide the consulting service to solve social issues in the region with innovative ideas and flexible thinking, with the best use of the expertise, knowledge and networks that have cultivated in national policy making at central ministries and agencies.
Nature Educational Content Service
We provide digital content that will enable children to focus on local ecological issues and develop their own awareness and learning ability with the global perspective.
Multi-Cultural Exchange Support Service
We provide the opportunity to encourage new exchanges of people and cultural and ecological things, especially for the next generation. we will starting from the cultural characteristics that the new culture acquired along with cultural evolution becomes selective pressure and promotes adaptive evolution.